22-23 Nov. - Contemporary Opera "Kali"

VIVAnews - The libretto is considered as an allegory of violence which forms Indonesia, mainly in 1965-66.

The opera depicts a gloomy scene in Hindu epic Bharatayudha: the father and mother of the Kurawa, the blind King Destarastra and the blind-folded Queen Gandari, are standing on a palace's corner. They are awaiting news from the battle field. Their sons die one after another and their troops are cornered. Various signs for downfall come and go.

The shadow of Kali, the goddes of death, is present in the whole story.

In the opera, the Bharatayudha war is not the story about glorious heroes. It tells a process into a final phase through vengeance and blood. From there, the sad and upset Gandari, and Kunti, the mother of the war-winning Pandawa, understand how they and generations after them cannot despise savagery - and how victory leads to vanity. Gods and Goddesses have excessive control over fate.

Therefore, at the end of the opera, the aged people leave their palace for woods, and be sadhus. They are burnt to death.

Saturday, Nov 22 , 2008 - Sunday, Nov 23 , 2008
Composer: Tony Prabowo, Script: Goenawan Mohamad, Director: Jay Subiyakto, Conductor: Avip Priatna

Venue: Teater Salihara, Jl.Salihara No.16 Pasar Minggu
           South Jakarta

Phone: 021 789 1202 ext. 303 (Rama)

Source: www.salihara.org

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19 April 2024