27 December 1949

Dutch Acknowledged Indonesia’s Independence

VIVAnews - 59 years ago today, on 27 December 1949, the Dutch formally transferred its sovereignty over Indonesia to the United States of Indonesia.

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Nearly two months after the Round Table Agreement was signed, the Netherlands finally acknowledged Indonesia’s independence on 27 December 1949, and transferred its sovereignty over Indonesia to the United States of Indonesia (RIS).

The famous Round Table Conference, which served as the basis for the acknowledgement, was held in The Hague from 23 August to 2 November 1949. The conference was attended by representatives of the Netherlands, the Republic of Indonesia and the BFO (Federal Consultative Assembly) representing various states the Dutch had created in the Indonesian archipelago.

The Round Table Conference resulted in a number of documents, including a Charter of Transfer of Sovereignty, a Statute of Union, an economic agreement, and agreements on social and military affairs. The Indonesian side agreed to grant “most favored nation” status to the Netherlands. It also agreed to take over approximately 4.3 billion Guilders of the Dutch East Indies government debt. At first, the Indonesian delegations were indignant with the latter decision, since it required Indonesia to pay most of the Dutch East Indies government expenses, including costs of Dutch military action against it. However, after some negotiation, the Indonesian delegations finally agreed to pay half of the Dutch East Indies government debt as the price for its independence.

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