Foreign Investment

RI Ranked Three as Investor's Destination

VIVAnews - Deputy Coordinating Minister for the Economy on Infrastructure and Area Development , Bambang Susanto, stated that Indonesia is still ranked three as regards foreign investors' destination. China and India are still on the top two list above Indonesia.

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The list was revealed during the recent Euromoney Conferences which was held in Hong Kong.

"During the meeting of around 600 investors of 30 countries, Indonesia was placed three on the list," Susanto said on Thursday, March 5.

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As for the chosen sector, Susanto said that will depend on the offer. "Commonly, they will look for the certainty of the incentives and will choose the one having the highest return," he said.

Indonesia is still trying to reshape the investment climate such as services from the bureaucracy. But the country seems to have slow reform compared to other countries.

Ekonomi Global Diguncang Konflik Geopolitik, RI Resesi Ditegaskan Jauh dari Resesi


Translated by: Ariyantri E. Tarman

Jemaah haji Indonesia mendengarkan khutbah Subuh jelang wukuf.

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27 April 2024